“Digital dominance; St Clair Advertising Program takes digital media education to the next level in the second year with industry leading cirriculum” This is the headline I have developed with the 1st year advertising students in mind. There are a couple of reasons that this headline can be effective for capturing the attention of the first year students. Its relevant to their future. They may not know it, but in the second year the digital content portion of the course become a very big part of the program. Over half of the classes included in the second semester relate to digital media and have some type of relation to digital content. With this in mind, creating a headline that is relevant to their futures can prepare them, and sort of give the maybe unsuspecting first year students an idea as to what they can expect. Next, this headline would be effective at targeting first year students because it could give them a sense of anticipation. Maybe the first year students are yearning to learn about some type of digital marketing, or maybe that’s even the entire reason they joined the program. With words like “industry leading” and “dominance” it will lead the first year students to know that they are getting the best possible digital media education when the next semester or year rolls around. If they are currently enrolled in the program for specifically digital classes and they aren’t really liking the first year classes, then this headline could also provide them with a little bit of closure that they may be getting the best possible education when it comes to digital media when the time comes around.
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