Assignment #2 – Part B Question 5

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“St Clair College Advertising Program: Offering a promising future with years of job placement success” 

An element that is missing in the instructions required for this task would be firstly be the platform it is being designed for. Is this headline being developed for a social media post, a magazine, or some type of landing page, or maybe even a news article? Thats the issue. If this were to be included within the question, the headline could either be more information heavy, or less information heavy depending on the context. Another element that may be missing from the instructions to develop the best possible headline is the selling points, and what specific elements of the advertising program should be highlighted. As we all know, there are a ton of different aspects to the advertising program. Coding, Design, Content and Digital are some examples. If the instructions were to ask for a certain part of the program to be highlighted, it may be easier to target a certain group of highschoolers instead of just generalizing the entire program.

The main reason this headline was created was to highlight the job opportunities associated with the advertising program. When searching for a job in high school, the main benefit would be jobs considering its basically the entire reason why students apply for the program they do, because of the jobs associated with the program. A very high percentage of high school students apply to a program that can provide them with a job when they are done with their education. With this headline specifically highlighting that right away, it can pull the high schoolers in right away and provide them with some valuable information within the body text about the job placement success of good graduating students. Not only does this headline mention job placement success, but also a promising future. The advertising industry is constantly evolving, and what was relevant 2 years ago many not even be relevant at all today. Advertisements will almost always be around, and there will always be jobs in the industry. A promising future, with a potential career thats very secure is also a very good persuasion element when high school students are searching for job, and its highlighted right at the start of the headline.   

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