Assignment #2 – Part B Qustion 1

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A headline that I recently came across was relating to Volkswagen, and a recent release of the new pricing structure for the 2025 Golf GTI in Canada specifically. The headline reads “Volkswagen prices 2025 Golf GTI at 36,495 in Canada” I actually came across this headline on Instagram, and then I clicked on the article to find out a little bit more information on the actual pricing structure and why the new GTI has basically ended up at that price point and what contributes to it. I think this headline is great because it gets the point across and its straight forward while also understanding and highlighting the target market for the car. Instead of the author of this headline not being straightforward, and say for example maybe they didn’t say the price and instead just said something along the lines of “New Golf GTI Pricing Structure For Canada” The author of this headline specifically highlighted in the headline itself the one thing that the reader of this article is trying to accomplish, and that is understanding the new price of the 2025 vehicle. Instead, when they mention the actual price of the GTI in the headline itself it can draw the reader in. If a user reads the headline, the chances are that they are somewhat interested in possibly how the GTI actually ended up at this price point. This individual would then click the headline that initially drew them in and read the article  to find basically all the information that the headline suggests they can find out. This is a perfect example of how when writing a headline, being straightforward can be a big advantage to a certain group of individuals. The target market was mentioned right in the headline, and its Canadians! This headline didn’t mention anything about Americans, or really any country so it just seems fairly obvious that this article was targeted towards Canadians. Highlighting the target market in your headline can be beneficial because as a Canadian, once I saw Canada mentioned I knew that it would relate to me because I live in Canada. If I were to see this headline as a Canadian, and instead of mentioning Canada and instead mentioning the US, chances are I wouldn’t have clicked on it because it just doesn’t make sense to click on a headline that is relevant in a totally different country. This headline resonated with me for a couple of different reasons. Firstly, I own a Volkswagen so really any time I see anything related to the brand I tend to read into it and take a look at the information the article contains. Thats exactly what happened when I initially saw this article, and I actually did end up clicking on it I did end up reading through it. 2025 is also the last year of the Volkswagen GTI. With this information in mind also, this article resonated with me even more. I saw the headline and I read into the article to see if there were any special type of packages offered for the 2025 model year as some type of special sendoff. Overall, this article resonated with me because I enjoy Volkswagens, and have actually bought and still own multiple of them so it was almost like second nature to click on anything related to the brand, because I enjoy the brand! 

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